Monday, December 17, 2012

Adopt a Glacier

Looking for a holiday gift that is tax deductible and helps to preserve historic cryospheric data? Adopt a Glacier through NSIDC’s Archives and Resource Center (ARC) and you’ll receive a personalized certificate suitable for framing and a fact sheet about the glacier. All funds go toward the creation of an endowment for the sustainability of the archives collection and staff. Go to:

The Roger G. Barry Archives and Resource Center at the National Snow and Ice Data Center maintains a unique and rare collection, documenting early polar exploration and the first scientific expeditions to the far reaches of our planet. These collections provide researchers priceless historical insight into how the Earth’s polar and icy regions have changed. As a soft money funded organization with no endowment, our facility is under threat. Traditional funding sources no longer support the collection. Your donation will help create an endowment to sustain these resources for research into the future.

Our immediate goal is to raise $25,000 by May 2013. Please support us today.

For more about the collections held in the Archives, and how you can access them, visit

Applications now available for the Girls on Ice 2013 Expeditions

©UAF Girls on Ice
Girls on Ice ( is a unique, FREE, wilderness science education program for high school girls. Each year a team of 9 teenage girls and 3 instructors spend 11 days exploring and learning about mountain glaciers and alpine landscapes through scientific field studies with professional glaciologists and mountaineers. This year there are 2 expeditions:

Girls on Ice NORTH CASCADES is the original expedition in Washington State.
Open to all girls age 15-18
July 21 – August 1, 2013

Girls on Ice ALASKA is geared toward Alaskan and Pacific Northwest girls.
June 21 – July 2, 2013

Click here to learn how to apply: (applications are due February 1, 2013)

7th International Workshop on Ice Drilling Technology

The first circular is now posted. The workshop will be held at the University of Wisconsin, Madison, WI, USA from 9-13 September 2013.

Following in the footsteps of the six previous ice drilling technology workshops held between 1974 and 2006, the 7th International Workshop on Ice Drilling Technology will take a comprehensive look at the latest technological innovations in ice drilling technology, including ice coring, borehole logging, subglacial sampling, core logging, handling and field logistics. The workshop will promote the exchange of knowledge, ideas, and experience among many countries and individuals who are involved in ice drilling projects. People active in the technical side of ice drilling are especially encouraged to participate, as are technical representatives from nations who have recently begun ice drilling programs for the first time.

You can download a copy of the first circular and register your interest to attend the workshop at:

Tuesday, December 11, 2012

Arctic Frontiers program online now

Arctic Frontiers 2013 will be held at the University of Tromsø, Norway from Sunday 20 to Friday 25 January 2013. The theme of the conference is 'Geopolitics and Marine Production in a Changing Arctic'. The policy section will run for the first two days (Monday 21 and Tuesday 22 January 2013) followed by three days of science (Wednesday 23 January to Friday 25 January). The science section will have three parts:
  •   Geopolitics in a Changing Arctic
  •   Marine harvesting in the Arctic
  •   Arctic Marine Productivity 
The program online here:

Monday, December 10, 2012

Updated and finalized analysis of the many records set in Greenland in 2012

Find the results in an article available on the Cryosphere Discussion at, or download the pdf directly by clicking here.
Cumulated Surface Mass Balance for the 1958 - 2011 mean and the 2010, 2011 and 2012 years